LLC Coordinator: Lenora Green-Turner
Sponsoring College/Department: Music Department of the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
The Music LLC has three main goals:
- Create a continuously-growing community of musicians and performers on-campus
- Equip students with the performance and communication skills necessary for a job
- Foster a greater love and appreciation for music through public engagement
It is located in Gregson Hall.
- Get to know the individuals in your ensemble in an academic and social environment.
- Grow your talents through participation and communication with your community.
- Learn what it means to participate in a professional and mature ensemble.
Who should join?
- You intend to be a part of one of the several music ensembles on campus.
- You enjoyed creating music and relationships through participation in music ensembles in high school.
- You love engaging the community through musical performances.
- You want to be a part of one of the most visible student demographics on campus.
Program Requirements
- Accepted as a music major or performer in one of the major ensembles on campus through the Department of Music audition process
- Non-music majors are accepted on a limited basis but must attend all seminars.
- Participate in a major music ensemble fall and spring semester
- Enroll in the 0-credit hour class delegated for the Music LLC, Univ 1200-008, and attend its seminars
- Live in the building designated for Music LLC — Adohi or Pomfret Halls — and have a roommate who is also selected for the Music LLC or is a music major, music minor, or active musician in one of the university major performance ensembles
- Participate in all monthly events which will typically be during seminar time