4.6 Fire Alarms and Disabling Life Safety Equipment

All resident’s and guests must evacuate the building whenever a fire alarm sounds. Failure to follow university personnel directions may result in conduct sanctions. Failure to follow emergency personnel directions is illegal and a resident may be charged for a crime.

Tampering with or disabling smoke and heat detectors, fire sprinklers, fire extinguishers or emergency lighting systems is a violation. The minimum restitution for this type of offense is $500.

Evacuation maps are posted in all residence halls.

Fire Safety Tips

  • Before opening a door, see if it is hot by placing the palm of your hand against it. If it is hot, remain in the room.
  • If you are on the ground floor level, carefully exit through the window if possible.
  • If you are on an upper floor, call 911 and notify the dispatcher of the room number.
  • Block entrance of smoke and heat into the room by stuffing towels or blankets around the door.
  • Stay low near the floor to avoid smoke and heat. Open a window if possible. Do not exit onto ledges.
  • Remain calm. Firefighters will get to you as soon as possible.
  • If the door is cool, open slightly and check for smoke in the corridor.
  • Stay low near the floor to avoid smoke and heat.
  • Close doors on your way out.
  • If the corridor is too smoky to reach stairway or exit, remain in the room.
  • When leaving a building, continue to the designated rally point for your residence.
  • Follow all instructions as they are given.

When evacuating, wear a coat and shoes. Carry a towel in case of smoke. Keep these items easily accessible for emergency use. Bring along your key/fob and ID. If you are away from your room or apartment when the alarm sounds, continue to the nearest exit without returning to your room or apartment.

Do not use elevators during fire alarms or active emergencies, use stairways only.

Minimizing the Risk of Fire

Residents showing any of the following behavior will be subject to disciplinary action and, when applicable, prosecution:

  • Falsely reporting a fire, significant injury, or any other emergency
  • Pulling a fire alarm when no fire is evident
  • Setting a fire or having or using flammable or highly flammable materials
  • Tampering with or misusing (accidentally or intentionally) public area fire safety equipment, including fire extinguishers, sprinklers, smoke detectors, exit signs, alarm pull stations, alarm horns and hoses
  • Having, using, or manufacturing fireworks or explosives
  • Using unauthorized appliances, candles, or incendiary devices

Updated August 2023

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