No Woman Left Behind

SPEAK, formally known as No Woman Left Behind is a bystander intervention program created to develop a culture of awareness and peer intervention toward the decrease of sexual assaults. This name change reflects the program’s goal to promote a gender inclusive environment.

Our mission is to create a culture of response by providing on-campus residents with peer education facilitated through educational initiatives about sexual assault prevention, including bystander intervention, consent, and healthy relationships.

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Meet the SPEAK Peer Educators

Alecia Bradley

Hello, my name is Alecia Bradley, and I’m a junior Psychology major at the University of Arkansas. I’m passionate about SPEAK and I love what we stand for!

Frances Von Scoy

I am an honors student majoring in International Studies, Political Science, and Italian Studies. I worked as a resident assistant in Reid for a year and a half, and then spent my junior abroad in Rome. Coming back to campus my senior year, I was excited to join the SPEAK team.

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