Performance Spaces

Performances start here.
In this area, we have soundproof practice rooms. Practice room 1 has a piano, practice rooms 6 and 7 can change the acoustics in the room. Each practice room has a chair, music stand, mirror, fold down desk, electric tuner and electric metronome. Each room has its own light dimmer and thermostat.
In the Movement Studio, we have equipment that you may check out: yoga mats, yoga balls, yoga blocks, yoga pillows and elastic bands. The room has mirrors on either end of it, shades that can give you privacy, a light dimmer and a thermostat.
In the Performance Area, there are theatrical tools, which you can program yourself. We also have a projector and projector screen with speakers. Connected to the Performance Area is Ben's Bean corner. Here you can relax and have a hot cup of chocolate or coffee.